Friday, May 10, 2013


Keep in mind that some servers do not support booting from tape, or may require a firmware update to support booting from tape.

Exit from the boot menu to the EFI Shell

fs0:\> reconnect -r

Broadcom NetXtreme Gigabit Ethernet (BCM5704) is detected (PCI-X)
Broadcom NetXtreme Gigabit Ethernet (BCM5704) is detected (PCI-X)
HP 2Port 2Gb Fibre Channel Adapter (driver 1.42, firmware 3.03.150)
Broadcom NetXtreme Gigabit Ethernet (BCM5703) is detected (PCI-X)
HP 2Gb Fibre Channel Combo Adapter (driver 1.30, firmware 3.03.171)
Broadcom NetXtreme Gigabit Ethernet (BCM5703) is detected (PCI-X)
Scsi(Pun0,Lun0) HP      MSL6000 Series  0520 ( 20 MBytes/sec)
Scsi(Pun1,Lun0) HP      Ultrium 3-SCSI  G63W (320 MBytes/sec)
ReconnectController(0,0,0) : Status = Success

From this we gather that the Ultrium 3 Tape Drive is Pun1, Lun0.

At this point exit from the shell... returning you to the boot menu.  At this point enter the boot configuration menu and boot from a file if you want a one time boot and look for result of your reconnect -r output... in my case it was Pun1, Lun0.

Boot menu showed the device as follows:
Device Path Acpi(HWP0002,PNP0A03,700)/Pci(1|1)/Scsi(Pun1,Lun0)

Other helpful commands would be:
devtree, devices, map
Bryan Payne on Linkedin

+Bryan Payne add me on Google Plus

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Updating PERL CPAN on HP-UX

grep pass /etc/ossim/ossim_setup.conf | cut -f 2 -d "="

 hpsrv-11.23 root sources/modules # cpan

cpan shell -- CPAN exploration and modules installation (v1.7601)
ReadLine support enabled

cpan> o conf
CPAN::Config options from /opt/perl_32/lib/5.8.3/CPAN/
    commit             Commit changes to disk
    defaults           Reload defaults from disk
    init               Interactive setting of all options

    build_cache        10
    build_dir          /root/.cpan/build
    cache_metadata     1
    cpan_home          /root/.cpan
    ftp                /usr/bin/ftp
    getcwd             cwd
    gpg                /usr/bin/gpg
    gzip               /usr/contrib/bin/gzip
    histfile           /root/.cpan/histfile
    histsize           100
    inactivity_timeout 0
    index_expire       1
    inhibit_startup_message 0
    keep_source_where  /root/.cpan/sources
    make               /usr/bin/make
    pager              /usr/bin/more
    prerequisites_policy ask
    scan_cache         atstart
    shell              /sbin/sh
    tar                /usr/bin/tar
    term_is_latin      1
    unzip              /usr/local/bin/unzip

cpan> o conf init

/opt/perl_32/lib/5.8.3/CPAN/ initialized.

CPAN is the world-wide archive of perl resources. It consists of about
100 sites that all replicate the same contents all around the globe.
Many countries have at least one CPAN site already. The resources
found on CPAN are easily accessible with the module. If you
want to use, you have to configure it properly.

If you do not want to enter a dialog now, you can answer 'no' to this
question and I'll try to autoconfigure. (Note: you can revisit this
dialog anytime later by typing 'o conf init' at the cpan prompt.)

Are you ready for manual configuration? [yes] yes

The following questions are intended to help you with the
configuration. The CPAN module needs a directory of its own to cache
important index files and maybe keep a temporary mirror of CPAN files.
This may be a site-wide directory or a personal directory.

I see you already have a  directory
Shall we use it as the general CPAN build and cache directory?

CPAN build and cache directory? [/root/.cpan]

If you want, I can keep the source files after a build in the cpan
home directory. If you choose so then future builds will take the
files from there. If you don't want to keep them, answer 0 to the
next question.

How big should the disk cache be for keeping the build directories
with all the intermediate files?

Cache size for build directory (in MB)? [10] 100

By default, each time the CPAN module is started, cache scanning
is performed to keep the cache size in sync. To prevent from this,
disable the cache scanning with 'never'.

Perform cache scanning (atstart or never)? [atstart]

To considerably speed up the initial CPAN shell startup, it is
possible to use Storable to create a cache of metadata. If Storable
is not available, the normal index mechanism will be used.

Cache metadata (yes/no)? [yes]

The next option deals with the charset your terminal supports. In
general CPAN is English speaking territory, thus the charset does not
matter much, but some of the aliens out there who upload their
software to CPAN bear names that are outside the ASCII range. If your
terminal supports UTF-8, you say no to the next question, if it
supports ISO-8859-1 (also known as LATIN1) then you say yes, and if it
supports neither nor, your answer does not matter, you will not be
able to read the names of some authors anyway. If you answer no, names
will be output in UTF-8.

Your terminal expects ISO-8859-1 (yes/no)? [yes]

If you have one of the readline packages (Term::ReadLine::Perl,
Term::ReadLine::Gnu, possibly others) installed, the interactive CPAN
shell will have history support. The next two questions deal with the
filename of the history file and with its size. If you do not want to
set this variable, please hit SPACE RETURN to the following question.

File to save your history? [/root/.cpan/histfile]
Number of lines to save? [100]

The CPAN module can detect when a module that which you are trying to
build depends on prerequisites. If this happens, it can build the
prerequisites for you automatically ('follow'), ask you for
confirmation ('ask'), or just ignore them ('ignore'). Please set your
policy to one of the three values.

Policy on building prerequisites (follow, ask or ignore)? [ask]

The CPAN module will need a few external programs to work properly.
Please correct me, if I guess the wrong path for a program. Don't
panic if you do not have some of them, just press ENTER for those. To
disable the use of a download program, you can type a space followed

Where is your gzip program? [/usr/contrib/bin/gzip]
Where is your tar program? [/usr/bin/tar]
Where is your unzip program? [/usr/local/bin/unzip]
Where is your make program? [/usr/bin/make]
Warning: lynx not found in PATH
Where is your lynx program? []
Warning: wget not found in PATH
Where is your wget program? []
Warning: ncftpget not found in PATH
Where is your ncftpget program? []
Warning: ncftp not found in PATH
Where is your ncftp program? []
Where is your ftp program? [/usr/bin/ftp]
Where is your gpg program? [/usr/bin/gpg]
What is your favorite pager program? [/usr/bin/more]
What is your favorite shell? [/sbin/sh]

Every Makefile.PL is run by perl in a separate process. Likewise we
run 'make' and 'make install' in processes. If you have any
parameters (e.g. PREFIX, LIB, UNINST or the like) you want to pass
to the calls, please specify them here.

If you don't understand this question, just press ENTER.

Parameters for the 'perl Makefile.PL' command?
Typical frequently used settings:

    PREFIX=~/perl       non-root users (please see manual for more hints)

Your choice:  []
Parameters for the 'make' command?
Typical frequently used setting:

    -j3              dual processor system

Your choice:  []
Parameters for the 'make install' command?
Typical frequently used setting:

    UNINST=1         to always uninstall potentially conflicting files

Your choice:  []

Sometimes you may wish to leave the processes run by CPAN alone
without caring about them. As sometimes the Makefile.PL contains
question you're expected to answer, you can set a timer that will
kill a 'perl Makefile.PL' process after the specified time in seconds.

If you set this value to 0, these processes will wait forever. This is
the default and recommended setting.

Timeout for inactivity during Makefile.PL? [0]

If you're accessing the net via proxies, you can specify them in the
CPAN configuration or via environment variables. The variable in
the $CPAN::Config takes precedence.

Your ftp_proxy?
Your http_proxy?
Your no_proxy?
You have no /root/.cpan/sources/MIRRORED.BY
  I'm trying to fetch one
CPAN: LWP::UserAgent loaded ok
Fetching with LWP:
Fetching with LWP:
Fetching with Net::FTP:
Couldn't fetch MIRRORED.BY from
Fetching with Net::FTP
Couldn't fetch MIRRORED.BY.gz from
Your ~/.netrc neither contains
  nor does it have a default entry
Issuing "/usr/bin/ftp -n"
Local directory now /root/.cpan/sources
Timeout (900 seconds): closing control connection.
Bad luck... Still failed!
Can't access URL

Please check, if the URLs I found in your configuration file () are valid.
The urllist can be edited. E.g. with 'o conf urllist push ftp://myurl/'

Could not fetch MIRRORED.BY needs at least one URL where it can fetch CPAN files from.

Please enter your CPAN site: []
Enter another URL or RETURN to quit: []
New set of picks:

commit: wrote /opt/perl_32/lib/5.8.3/CPAN/

cpan> reload index

cpan> install Bundle::CPAN
cpan> reload cpan

Changed perms on to include execute
hpsrv-11.23 root /root # cd /opt/perl_32/lib/5.8.3/PA->
hpsrv-11.23 root auto/Cwd # ls -l
total 48
dr-xr-xr-x   2 bin        bin             96 Oct 29  2009 .
dr-xr-xr-x  39 bin        bin           8192 Nov  1 16:17 ..
-r--r--r--   1 bin        bin              0 Jan 19  2006
-rw-rw-rw-   1 bin        bin          16384 Jan 19  2006
hpsrv-11.23 root auto/Cwd # chmod +x
hpsrv-11.23 root auto/Cwd # pwd
hpsrv-11.23 root auto/Cwd # ls -l
-rwxrwxrwx   1 bin        bin          16384 Jan 19  2006

    *  Crypt::DES is not installed
    *  Crypt::Rijndael is not installed
    *  Socket6 is not installed

Bryan Payne on Linkedin

+Bryan Payne add me on Google Plus